Monday, November 18, 2013

Happy Monday!

I recently watched a video called "Everything is Amazing & Nobody is Happy" where Louis CK jokes about our generation and how we have everything and yet still find reasons to complain. If you haven't seen it you should click on that link and watch! My roommate and I joke how this video "changed my life" because ever since I watched it I find myself noticing/pointing out how we (notice I said we, I'm 100% included) complain multiple times a day about things that we really shouldn't waste our breathe on! So through this revelation was birthed a new blog series I would like to call "Happy Monday!" There are so many reasons to be happy-especially on the day that starts our week!

November is the month of Thanksgiving, you know, the holiday where we are thankful for the blessings God has given us! Write a list of everything you're thankful for and remind yourself of those daily! Carry on the spirit of thanksgiving on throughout the year because everyday should be thanksgiving in my opinion! Today is a Happy Monday because it's the last full week of school & work for everyone! Next week we all have a day off! So enjoy this week knowing you have a day of family, food, and relaxation coming! You can do it!

"Now my our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace face us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say." 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Happy Monday :)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Kimberly Cid

Congrats to this beautiful Vanguard Senior! She is graduating this semester- but don't worry- she will still be around as she is continuing with grad school! Kim is so stunning and has one of the funniest personalities. If you don't know her, you should, because her blunt humor with have you laughing so hard. I almost forgot to take some pictures because we were having such great and funny girl talk! So happy I can call her my friend and can call her up anytime I need a model! Congratulations Kimberly, definitely looking forward to seeing what big things you do in the future! Xoxo

Also shout out to world's greatest assistant Alicia! She has helped me with some recent shoots and I couldn't be any more thankful for her help and assistance! These shots wouldn't have been the same without her there.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Brandon + Carolyn

Happy Birthday Carolyn! Yesterday was her birthday and I snapped some photos of her boyfriend and her for fun! They are too cute. Hope you had a great day celebrating!