Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a enjoyable and relaxing Thanksgiving! Happy Monday everyone! There's so many reasons to be happy! As you can see from my last blog post, I got the amazing opportunity to spend my Thanksgiving in the beautiful Kauai. My flight actually just got in this morning! The views and beaches were stunning and it really made me appreciate all the beauty God has created.
On this Happy Monday I encourage you to take a moment out of your day to sit outside and enjoy the simple things. Simple things such as trees that provide shade and grass that pads the ground. Even enjoy the creation of life! How beautiful all these things are. For my friends in Orange County- we live by some pretty stunning beaches! And for my friends in Arizona- We have gorgeous mountain ranges! Sometimes our view of where we live and what we see can be clouded by complacency. Enjoy where you live and all the beautiful things surrounding you! Happy Monday! 

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