Tuesday, January 21, 2014

San Diego Roadtrip

No school on Monday? That means roadtrip!! We (Emily, Anissa, Lo & I) spent our Monday exploring the many parts of San Diego! My roommate-Emily- lives in North county San Diego, so we stayed the night at her house Sunday so we could wake up and have the whole day to be tourists. We started the day at Old Town San Diego, then to Balboa Park, and ended the night at Hotel Del Coronado! It was definitely a busy day, and by the end I was exhausted & cranky BUT I had a great time, especially with these amazing girls.

San Diego from Rachel Wise on Vimeo.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Overdue Film

Film is so incredibly fun. I sometimes wish I didn't love my DSLR so much so I could spend more time shooting film! This film was extremely overdue-majority of these shots were taken during summer. The first few shots (up until my sister asleep in front of the antique store) were taken with my waterproof film camera- which I never finished the roll of but thought it was about time to develop! The rest were taken with my Canon AE-1 Program which I LOVE & need to use more. Hopefully this year I will take more shots on film because it's definitely something I love and want to do more.